Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Hey bloggg!! Another day another blog, except todays blog will be about our first group meeting. Today in class we were put into groups to speak out our projects and our upcoming plans. I was put into a group with 4 other students. Bella Montarl, Paula Torres, Audrey Pangalangan, and Alexis Lee. The idea was to allow each other to receive feedback and come up with new ideas!

The first one to talk about their project was Bella. Bella went on to explain to us that her genre is classic horror. Overall Bella was one of the ones that most had done and had her ideas clear and well developed. Her film opening is planned to be on a serial killer and will show scenes of her setting up a dinner table and throughout that process of moving items the credits will reveal themselves. She is planning the color scheme to be red, black , and silver. These colors match her genre (horror) and set the dark, gloomy mood for the film. Bella is all cached up on her blogs and has been able to do a lot of research in the past few days. The group suggested for the scenes to be very slow and not jump to the next too quickly to enhance that slow scary feel. 

Next was Audrey, and I have to say Audrey was the one with most done. Audrey is planning to do a psychological horror. However I wasn't catch on to her film idea as if it was confusing and unclear. She didn't seem to be able to express her idea well enough but did make clear she does have one in mind she just isn't sure how to explain which can end up being a problem for future problems such as story board. I did understand it will be on a women who goes insane but that was all. She wants the setting to be in a house or possibly her dads bar. As well as setting she did mention she wants the main character to wear bright colors and is getting inspiration from the Joker. Her color scheme will be bright red and other muted colors such as an army green.

Alexis didn't seem to have much ready and made understood that she was behind with her blogs. She as well is doing a psychological horror but didn't have the story very ready. She mentioned the film involving someone have schizophrenia but overall didn't have much done for her story board. She is also planning to have darker lightning for the scary horror feeling and will match it with dark blue shades as her color scheme. Her setting was imagined to be in a household or bedroom however I recommended for a darker setting which she explained would be done even if it does end up taking place in a house.

Paula was last and was the group member with least done. She has fallen behind on her blogs but mentioned she does have many drafts that are pending to be posted. She isn't very sure what she plans to do for her project and has many questions to be answered which I'm sure she will answer. The group gave her tips on developing her story such as researching something she's genuinely interested on doing and keeping up with her blogs since those do truly help you and your project thrive.

Finally, I explained my idea for the film opening and gave a run down of my blogs. My group had many questions on my research which I cleared up and then explained my color schemes and what techniques I planned to integrate to make it seem like a sports drama from the beginning. My group helped me realize our original idea would me spoiling the plot from the start which then lead me to make a few changes in my story.

Overall, I truly enjoyed having the opportunity to hear other students share their projects and listen to mine as if we were able to give each other feedback and listen to what we each had to say. Alongside, this also helped me improve my project as well as reassure me on my choices.

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