Production Day 1
Hey bloggg, hope you had a great weekend!! This weekend we tackled our first day of production, this will be a summary on our procedure. Arianna and Oona both arrived at my house at 7:00pm. We were missing one member due to circumstances, but we still were able to get the job done. Once we began shooting Gianna pulling up into the driveway which in this case was Arianna driving her car. We attempted using an actual camera but due to it being dark outside and the quality not being the greatest, it was difficult to focus the camera on Arianna, for this reason we stuck to using a normal phone for the scenes outside. We used mid and long shots when the car arrived at the house and then utilized low angle and tracking shots when walking up to the house. Immediately after, when inside the house we switched to my camera since it was better for close ups and has better quality then an average iPhone 15. We then filmed Gianna walking up to her room which a low angle shot was used. Once in the room, we then moved on to shooting a key element which was crossing off the days in the calendar which is going to illustrate the days going by and competition day getting closer. The calendar shows various appointments throughout the month which emphasized her injury and that she is in need of assistance. We used close ups and made sure to switch the sleeves of the hand shown to add to the days going by and make the scenario more realistic. We then proceeded to film the moment where Gianna receives the ultimate text message from her coach. We used a handheld camera to film the mid shot of her lying in bed and then used a close up which is when the camera came in handy instead of a phone and shot her phone receiving the text message. With a mid-shot we film Gianna sitting down and then switch to a close up of her scrambling through her failed exam papers which are there to illustrate she is a bad student, once moving a few papers out of the way she finds the consent paper for the competition and proceed to immediately zoom in to the title "2024 National Gymnastics Competition-Consent Form" this way the audience understands what's going on and isn't lost or confused. Using extreme close ups, we show a check box stating that the player isn't injured in any way. The close up in this situation is done to show importance to what is being said since it is focused on that sentence without giving room to read much more. These did take a few takes to shoot since we were having difficulties with the angling the camera so Arianna's hand wouldn't cover the paper. With still utilizing close ups, we shoot Gianna signing the paper under participants and then under guardian signature which we made sure the audience would read what it said so they understand she is forging her mom's signature. We thought on having the knock interrupt her signing for her mom, however, we didn't want the audience to think that meant Gianna wasn't going to get to compete in the competition since she wasn't able to finish filling it out when that isn't the case, and she will end up competing. Once we imitate the sound of knocking on the door, we filmed multiple shots showing Gianna desperately trying to hide the form which will add to understanding that she is keeping it on the low and it's probably something she shouldn't be proud of. Throughout these whole processes we mostly relied on my camera but did have some shots that were switched to phone for the quality. We tried to avoid excessive backshot and mid-long shots as it is something we got points off for in our last music marketing project. With all of this said, that would wrap up our first day in production, which we would classify as a success.
Picture taken by Oona before filming Arianna signing the form:
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