Saturday, February 22, 2025


 Hey blog! Heads up, this will be the last blog of the week so lets make it a good one. In todays blog we will be digging deeper on the importance of setting and how it will be applied to my film.  Setting is where and when a story takes place. The setting creates the world of the film and can lead to affecting the characters life, how they act, and how they feel. There is a variety of different ways to take on a setting, such as a realistic or a more imaginary setting. 

In our film opening we will be applying the setting to be realistic. With Gianna being a gymnast and the story being focused on her gymnastics journey it would only make sense for the setting to be in a gymnastics gym. We will be filming in TAG USA gymnastics gym as we already got permission from the manager and has set a day for us to go. However this won't last long till we switch to Gianna's room. When using a setting such as a house or room, something more personal, there's many ways to go about it. Someone's room can say a lot about a person or about the story since it goes to show how the character themselves decide to establish it which can tell how they go about and how they themselves choose to make their room. With Gianna being a gymnastics obsessed teenager, w plan to decorate her room to match her mentality. Being so focused and committed to her sport we would need to have flyers, posters, medal etc.. to be able to convey that to the audience. Since Gianna is in need of a scholarship due to her poor academics, we plan to have some failed exam papers on her desk to not make that the main focus but to enhance that to the audience and for them to hopefully be able to understand it.

Why Is Setting So Important?

Setting is so important because it can help develop a character as well as change their actions while making it all feel real. The setting also provides context for the audience by telling them where and when the story takes place which then can essentially help them understand the turn of events. As well as characters it enables bringing out emotions out from the audience such as tension and fear from a dark gloomy night in a forest. At the end of the day, setting has many different uses depending on the story, its not always just some simple backdrop. 

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