Hey blog, welcome back! Later this week were planning to film and move on to editing. Hopefully everything turns out well! With that said todays blog won't be about filming but will be on audio. Audio plays a huge roll on producing any film. It holds the power to add tension to a scene with simply lowering the audio and can change the mood in an instinct. In this blog I'll be talking about how I'll be applying audio into my film. Whether it's as simple as a doorbell or the background music in a film, audio is what makes a film realistic, adds dimension, and is what creates emotional impact. Nowadays the movies we love and cherish all incorporate different sound and audio techniques depending on the film.
Sound Bridge
One of the techniques we plan to use on our film is sound bridge. Sound bridge is used to transition from on scene to another. It allows to smooth out the sudden switches in scenes that can seem choppy if not done right. Sound bridges can also be used to foreshadow a character's thoughts. However, we were planning to use it for the transition from the sound of her multiple landings to then the knocking on the door. We would need to lower down the volume of the knocking for it to then sound as the thudding of her feet landing on the Styrofoam floor.
Diegetic SoundDiegetic sound is another sound technique we were planning to use. Diegetic sound is a sound that exists in the narrative world. It can be use as dialogue, typical environmental sound, music from instruments in narrative world, and sound made from on screen objects. We were planning to use it for basic sounds to create context, such as the sound of the equipment, chattering of the gym, and squeaking of the bars. This will allow for the film to seem more realistic and to include even the small sounds that tend to seem unimportant until they are missing.
Background Music
In the production world background music is a huge part to setting a mood in a film. It can decide to make a scene feel exciting, tense, upbeat etc., and all of this can be down even without any dialogue. In our film were planning to use music to match the emotions of the characters and the plot of the story. We plan to use upbeat copyright free music while she's in the gym to match her feelings to the whole situation and her dedication to gymnastics. This will allow the audience to be able to feel what the character is going through. We then hope to use sound bridge to transition to her leaving the gym and going home. We hope this will be able to show her excitement and happiness fade into what she feels is her boring bland life at home when her problems rush in. We've been listening to different soundtracks by researching upbeat copy right free music but haven't been able to find the one we are imagining when we talked about it.
Foley sounds are the small sounds such as a door creaking, footsteps, a knock on a door that help bring out the film and make it feel more realistic. Many times, foley sounds are so specific they need to be done by foley artists. When foley sounds aren't utilized, films feel as if something is missing, for example, imagine a basketball game without the sound of shoes squeaking on the court, it would feel like something is missing. We have been brainstorming ideas for foley sounds and we have thought on certain actions we could do such as the bag dropping, the landings on the floor, and the squeaking of the bars, however we haven't exactly agreed on how we want to recreate the audio. We did decide on using foley for her putting on her grips since it has some metal pieces that make jingling sound. For this we planned to use my bracelets and shake my wrists to create that similar sound.
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