Friday, February 28, 2025

Hey bloggg, its Friday!!! After a long week of working on our production everything has fallen into place. However we did come across a few struggles that shook the way we managed our times. Todays blog will be focused on those little moments that didn't feel so little and how we were able to look past them and keep going.

Problem 1: We originally had planned for our first day to film to be on Sunday, but that ended up being changed. Due to one of my group members Emma being grounded and Arianna whos playing our main character being called urgently to work we had to change the dates. Although this might seem like it has a simple solution, it didn't feel like it. I say this because we had our days aligned to match up to our production day 2 which we will go into that later. We all called and planned our day, we then left it on leaving it for the next day, Sunday 12:00pm at my house. Once the time came, due to unexpected family emergencies, we weren't able to film at that time. This is when it truly felt as if nothing was going our way. Although we were going to be cut short with Emma being grounded, we changed the time to be at 7:00pm. After much discussion and planning we were able to get the job done and have everything work out. Oona and Arianna both showed up on time with everything prepared making our process a lot quicker.

Problem 2: For a great part of our film opening, we needed to film in a gymnastics gym with a gymnast that was available and has the skills to play the part. Due to Arianna and Oona both working in TAG USA, this made the search a lot quicker. They were able to find an actress almost immediately which was a big relief. However she was a college student that lived relatively far. However she confirmed she would be able to make room to give us a hand, the only exception  was we needed to let her know with time since the trip down here wasn't the shortest. A few days before filming she was truly sorry to let us knows she wouldn't be able to make it. This was a huge problem since none of us know how to do more than a cartwheel. After much searching we found a replacement. We were extremely grateful since we were in desperate need of someone to play the part. Except this replacement did not look anything like what we had planned for the following scenes and Giannas character as a whole. This led to us deciding to switch our character, Gianna, around by making her have Latin heritance due to the gymnasts' dark features. Arianna volunteered to due the scenes outside the gym since they have similar skin tones and hair colors. After days of rearranging and searching we were able to sort everything out.

Problem 3: As previously stated, a great part of our project needs to be filmed in a gymnastics gym which we chose TAG USA. Oona was able to speak to her manager and get permission to film. He gave us a time and a date which was Saturday at 6:30pm since that's when open gym was. We all agreed that we would arrange our days to make room to film. However when the day came it all ended up being very complicated due to previous plans we all had. We truly did try and figure it out for the whole day b but when it came down it was genuinely not possible since we were all busy and I was all the way in Fort Lauderdale. We then took a look of the blogs for the week since the next possible day to film was going to be the following weekend which was fine since we were ahead but would be a problem if something went wrong the day of. We thought it through and thought it would be the best option for the film to come out well made and not be rushing to just get it done. That was when Arianna asked her manager to ,move it to the next Saturday and we dropped with the news he wouldn't be there and we weren't allowed to be there filming without anyone's supervision. Oona then stepped in since we didn't have any other options then to film that weekend. We were already coming up with worst case scenarios, it came down to the point of replacing the gymnastics gym for a garage which would have affected our day 1 filming since the first few scenes are her coming back from a long day the gym. Thankfully Oona and Arianna were both able to figure something out with their manager and he gave jus the clear to go on Friday at 7:00pm during the teams practice, this just meant some equipment would be limited which was perfectly fine with us. Currently, we have already filmed and its safe to say everything went perfectly fine. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Hey Cambridge!! In today's blog we will be tracing back to week 4 and focus with deeper meaning on audio we are planning to use as well as foley sounds. In a film audio everything from what you hear from talking to background music and diegetic sounds. It makes films feel more realistic and tend to add emotion to films. Today I will be applying audio to my film opening and will develop my foley sounds.

Background Music

 Background music can be a very important aspect when setting tone. It can create emotion such as make a scene feel tense or even more down and dark. Using the right music can tell a story and make it feel more powerful. We started by researching different types of music to reach the tone we would like to set which we narrowed it down to a more bumping beat rather than slow and mellow. We knew we had set with sticking to copyright free music since it can still reach that tone we are wanting to reach. We originally had our minds set on Elephant by Tame Impala though then our idea was quickly shut down once we realized it would be copyrighted. However, this did help us narrow down our options and know what we were searching for. We were constantly searching up "pumping beat copyright free music" but nothing convinced us. That was until we found Background Music. We felt as if the song reaches that powerful tone we are looking for since it will be used for her training which is where she is concentrated and putting lots of strength to what she is doing due to the pain in her knee. Though for the rest of the film opening we feel as if it would be inappropriate to keep such a hyper song for the later peaceful setting of her room. Now it came down to researching the opposite, "soft mellow copyright free music". We were pleasantly surprised with the speed we found the soft chill song since the first background music did take us a few days to finalize our choice. We broke down our choices and ended up picking Background Music #2. This will be able to play in the background without taking away from the setting and what the character is doing.


Foley sounds are sounds added to a film to make scenes feel more realistic. These sounds are usually done for specific little details such as bed creaking, door opening, bed sheets moving etc. Even though during movies foley sounds aren't stood out and you aren't able to distinguish them, they make actions feel more believable and are necessary to create a good film. In our film we have decided to do 7 different sounds that tend to be more specific. We chose knocking on door, grips moving, bag being dropped, feet landing on gymnastics floor, squeaking of shoes, footsteps, and scrolling through TikTok. These sounds are necessary to keep the film feeling realistic however struggle on finding ones that fit how we want them to sound. For this reason, we've recreated this sounds by, hitting an iPad against its box, moving around a few rings, slamming an iPad against bed sheets, dropping a pillow on bed, walking around in circles with really noisy shoes and just keep smashing the tip of the shoe to the floor, and lastly search up gymnastics TikTok's, use the ones without copyright music, and start scrolling. We have now filmed the foley sounds and they will then later be added when editing. Some sounds did come out louder then wanted but it's nothing some editing and volume changes can't fix. We also tested out many different ways to recreate these sounds such as using water filled bags and bracelets but weren't satisfied with the results, we had received. 


Diegetic sounds are sounds that are in the film's world. This means that not only can the audience hear them but so can the character. Unlike a background song which isn't actually playing in the characters world. Many times, diegetic sounds tend to be things like footsteps or the sound of a car. This can make movies feel more connected to the character and their actions. They are key to making a film since they help the audience understand the story's world and what they are experiencing. Diegetic sounds can also add to setting a mood of a scene. For example, the sound of rain tapping on a window gives a films more sad, gloomy mood rather than the sound of celebrating that sets an exciting, happy mood. We have created a list of the diegetic sounds we needed to research and find: heavy breathing, small gasps, chatter, ac ventilation, zipping, Velcro, writing on paper, paper scrambling, notification, car sound, car door closing, car door being locked, car door opening, locker opening and closing, marker writing, walking upstairs, opening front door, sitting down on bed, pulling out chair, sigh, sitting on chair, clicking of pen, gasp, and footsteps on gymnastics mat. We split up the work and have found all the diegetic sounds we need. 


Monday, February 24, 2025

 Production Day 1

Hey bloggg, hope you had a great weekend!! This weekend we tackled our first day of production, this will be a summary on our procedure. Arianna and Oona both arrived at my house at 7:00pm. We were missing one member due to circumstances, but we still were able to get the job done. Once we began shooting Gianna pulling up into the driveway which in this case was Arianna driving her car. We attempted using an actual camera but due to it being dark outside and the quality not being the greatest, it was difficult to focus the camera on Arianna, for this reason we stuck to using a normal phone for the scenes outside. We used mid and long shots when the car arrived at the house and then utilized low angle and tracking shots when walking up to the house. Immediately after, when inside the house we switched to my camera since it was better for close ups and has better quality then an average iPhone 15. We then filmed Gianna walking up to her room which a low angle shot was used. Once in the room, we then moved on to shooting a key element which was crossing off the days in the calendar which is going to illustrate the days going by and competition day getting closer. The calendar shows various appointments throughout the month which emphasized her injury and that she is in need of assistance. We used close ups and made sure to switch the sleeves of the hand shown to add to the days going by and make the scenario more realistic. We then proceeded to film the moment where Gianna receives the ultimate text message from her coach. We used a handheld camera to film the mid shot of her lying in bed and then used a close up which is when the camera came in handy instead of a phone and shot her phone receiving the text message. With a mid-shot we film Gianna sitting down and then switch to a close up of her scrambling through her failed exam papers which are there to illustrate she is a bad student, once moving a few papers out of the way she finds the consent paper for the competition and proceed to immediately zoom in to the title "2024 National Gymnastics Competition-Consent Form" this way the audience understands what's going on and isn't lost or confused. Using extreme close ups, we show a check box stating that the player isn't injured in any way. The close up in this situation is done to show importance to what is being said since it is focused on that sentence without giving room to read much more. These did take a few takes to shoot since we were having difficulties with the angling the camera so Arianna's hand wouldn't cover the paper. With still utilizing close ups, we shoot Gianna signing the paper under participants and then under guardian signature which we made sure the audience would read what it said so they understand she is forging her mom's signature. We thought on having the knock interrupt her signing for her mom, however, we didn't want the audience to think that meant Gianna wasn't going to get to compete in the competition since she wasn't able to finish filling it out when that isn't the case, and she will end up competing. Once we imitate the sound of knocking on the door, we filmed multiple shots showing Gianna desperately trying to hide the form which will add to understanding that she is keeping it on the low and it's probably something she shouldn't be proud of. Throughout these whole processes we mostly relied on my camera but did have some shots that were switched to phone for the quality. We tried to avoid excessive backshot and mid-long shots as it is something we got points off for in our last music marketing project. With all of this said, that would wrap up our first day in production, which we would classify as a success. 

                                   Picture taken by Oona before filming Arianna signing the form:


Saturday, February 22, 2025


 Hey blog! Heads up, this will be the last blog of the week so lets make it a good one. In todays blog we will be digging deeper on the importance of setting and how it will be applied to my film.  Setting is where and when a story takes place. The setting creates the world of the film and can lead to affecting the characters life, how they act, and how they feel. There is a variety of different ways to take on a setting, such as a realistic or a more imaginary setting. 

In our film opening we will be applying the setting to be realistic. With Gianna being a gymnast and the story being focused on her gymnastics journey it would only make sense for the setting to be in a gymnastics gym. We will be filming in TAG USA gymnastics gym as we already got permission from the manager and has set a day for us to go. However this won't last long till we switch to Gianna's room. When using a setting such as a house or room, something more personal, there's many ways to go about it. Someone's room can say a lot about a person or about the story since it goes to show how the character themselves decide to establish it which can tell how they go about and how they themselves choose to make their room. With Gianna being a gymnastics obsessed teenager, w plan to decorate her room to match her mentality. Being so focused and committed to her sport we would need to have flyers, posters, medal etc.. to be able to convey that to the audience. Since Gianna is in need of a scholarship due to her poor academics, we plan to have some failed exam papers on her desk to not make that the main focus but to enhance that to the audience and for them to hopefully be able to understand it.

Why Is Setting So Important?

Setting is so important because it can help develop a character as well as change their actions while making it all feel real. The setting also provides context for the audience by telling them where and when the story takes place which then can essentially help them understand the turn of events. As well as characters it enables bringing out emotions out from the audience such as tension and fear from a dark gloomy night in a forest. At the end of the day, setting has many different uses depending on the story, its not always just some simple backdrop. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Hey blog, welcome back! Later this week were planning to film and move on to editing. Hopefully everything turns out well! With that said todays blog won't be about filming but will be on audio. Audio plays a huge roll on producing any film. It holds the power to add tension to a scene with simply lowering the audio and can change the mood in an instinct. In this blog I'll be talking about how I'll be applying audio into my film. Whether it's as simple as a doorbell or the background music in a film, audio is what makes a film realistic, adds dimension, and is what creates emotional impact. Nowadays the movies we love and cherish all incorporate different sound and audio techniques depending on the film.

 Sound Bridge

One of the techniques we plan to use on our film is sound bridge. Sound bridge is used to transition from on scene to another. It allows to smooth out the sudden switches in scenes that can seem choppy if not done right. Sound bridges can also be used to foreshadow a character's thoughts. However, we were planning to use it for the transition from the sound of her multiple landings to then the knocking on the door. We would need to lower down the volume of the knocking for it to then sound as the thudding of her feet landing on the Styrofoam floor.

 Diegetic Sound

Diegetic sound is another sound technique we were planning to use. Diegetic sound is a sound that exists in the narrative world. It can be use as dialogue, typical environmental sound, music from instruments in narrative world, and sound made from on screen objects. We were planning to use it for basic sounds to create context, such as the sound of the equipment, chattering of the gym, and squeaking of the bars. This will allow for the film to seem more realistic and to include even the small sounds that tend to seem unimportant until they are missing. 

Background Music

In the production world background music is a huge part to setting a mood in a film. It can decide to make a scene feel exciting, tense, upbeat etc., and all of this can be down even without any dialogue. In our film were planning to use music to match the emotions of the characters and the plot of the story. We plan to use upbeat copyright free music while she's in the gym to match her feelings to the whole situation and her dedication to gymnastics. This will allow the audience to be able to feel what the character is going through. We then hope to use sound bridge to transition to her leaving the gym and going home. We hope this will be able to show her excitement and happiness fade into what she feels is her boring bland life at home when her problems rush in. We've been listening to different soundtracks by researching upbeat copy right free music but haven't been able to find the one we are imagining when we talked about it. 

Foley Sounds

Foley sounds are the small sounds such as a door creaking, footsteps, a knock on a door that help bring out the film and make it feel more realistic. Many times, foley sounds are so specific they need to be done by foley artists. When foley sounds aren't utilized, films feel as if something is missing, for example, imagine a basketball game without the sound of shoes squeaking on the court, it would feel like something is missing. We have been brainstorming ideas for foley sounds and we have thought on certain actions we could do such as the bag dropping, the landings on the floor, and the squeaking of the bars, however we haven't exactly agreed on how we want to recreate the audio. We did decide on using foley for her putting on her grips since it has some metal pieces that make jingling sound. For this we planned to use my bracelets and shake my wrists to create that similar sound.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Next up for week 4, we will be digging deeper into props. Props are items that are used in films to help tell a story and can even encourage development of a character. Props can be something a character interacts with such as a book or a hairbrush or can add to the setting, for example, a chair or table. In some cases, prop can be a key element to a film and could build the plot. Props can bring a film to life and make it more entertaining for the audience.

Props That Will Be Used:

Calendar- The calendar will be used to convey the time going by and the competition getting closer and closer by the day.
 Knee Brace- In the film we will use a knee brace to help the audience identify the fact that Gianna is injured and will be a difficulty late on.
Grips: In gymnastics, grip is only used when in a higher level since until then it isn't necessary. This will show her commitment to gymnastics and her high ability.
Bar- In this case, the bar will be used not only as an item the character will interact  with but will also add to the setting. It will be used to show her practice.
Clock- After many hours of practice, the clock will be used to show time going by and many hours put into gymnastics.
Chalk- Chalk is seen in any gymnastics facility which will add as an environmental key and as well as the grips, will show her high level.

Why Are Props So Important?

Not only do props look "cool" and can create a film better, they can help establish a plot or can even make a movie iconic. For example, Star Wars is now worldwide famous and everyone relates lightsabers to the movie. Many props do also have a symbolic meaning. These props can become very powerful symbols that can lead to larger themes within the film. This can add depth and realism to the story while developing different ideas throughout the story. This goes to show the power props con hold and how underestimated they are in the production world.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

 February 18, 2025

Meet Gianna

Hello everyonee, another week another blogg!! When choosing the main characters name me and my group looked through various different American common names since the story takes place in the United States and we needed the name to match the character. Since the story takes place in 2024, Gianna would be born in the early 2000's which led us to research popular girl names in the 2000's. However, due to sterotypes and the actor taking the main characters part being latin, we chose for Gianna's roots go back to Maracaibo, Venezuela which then led to us choosing her last name. With latin ancestors her last name would need to be hispanic. We then repeated the process of researching names expect it was now on common latin last names. We ended up deciding on Diaz. Gianna Diaz was finally named.  


Creating Gianna:

When creating Gianna Diaz's character as a whole we decided to make her a very stubborn and dedicated teenager. We chose this due to her mentality and how when she wants something she won't stop until she reaches that goal. In our film this is shown by her challenge of overcoming her injury even when no one believed in her. Gianna is a very lonely person which is due to her passion and time put into gymnastics. This will be portrayed by her being shown alone in all clips and not many relationships will be made until her later development throughout the film. As she grows as a person and is taught a life lesson throughput her recovery Gianna grows to be a very flexible person and learns the true meaning of the importance to balance hard work and rest in modification. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

 Welcome back blogg!! After deciding what I wanted to do in terms of genre, deciding my plot and full story would be the next step. Creating an image for the full film is just as important as for the film opening. For the full film were planning to create it on the main character, Gianna, who's a teenage girl obsessed with gymnastics hence the name of the film but has taken in a very serious knee injury which has affected her availability to be a part of the next competition. However, Gianna doesn't let a doctor's note stop her from competing and trains for weeks behind her moms and coaches back even if it meant in future consequences. Gianna has never done well in school which is a big reason why Gianna feels the need to put so much pressure on herself with gymnastics and be able to get a scholarship for it. Through many weeks of training Gianna goes to many doctor appointments which none of them seem to hint the injury getting better or seem to be closer to her being able to compete. She signs the contract to compete behind her parents and coaches back, and soon enough competition day is here. Gianna puts on her leotard and goes out to do floor. Her team and coaches jaw drops when they see her, but Gianna wasn't letting anyone stop her from landing that last flip. While the routine seems to be going great, that last game changing flip was up, her feet fly off the ground, body twisting, legs tucking, she falls. Gianna doesn't land the trick and in fact screams in pain due to her injury. Shes taken to the hospital where she was then told she would never be able to do gymnastics again. This broke Gianna. With all her pain and hurt, she was determined to prove everyone wrong. Months of recovery with personal and mental challenges including friends, school, family, and pressure, Gianna is able to step foot in a gymnastics gym once again. After many, many, months of physical therapy, Gianna is once back at competing, about to redo the trick that almost ruined her passion. Except this time, she lands it. Gianna is able to get her much need scholarship and continue her love for her sport.

After deciding the films story, for the film opening we have decided to start it off with Gianna walking into the gym and preparing herself for training. She wraps up her knee which shows the audience she is injured and puts on her grips to go on to bars. Prepping for bars means applying chalk to her hands which is exactly what she does, she then claps to get rid of excess chalk which then reveals the films name, Obsessed. Then there will be many clips of her training and then later leaving the gym. She then returns home to her gymnastics decorated room and crosses out another day on her calendar which shows the competition day which leads the audience to assume she is counting down the days for it. There will be multiple shots of her crossing out the days which will fade in and out with more clips of her training and failing to land tricks to show her pain and the time going by She then receives a text from her coach telling her to "take it easy" and to remember "she will not compete" she doesn't reply and instead clears the chat. She sits down her desk and pulls out a contract which will determine if she competes. She signs it but the scene is then later interrupted by knocking which leads her to quickly hide the paper which goes to show she is keeping it a secret. The film opening is then finished by the rapid movements of her hiding the paper and what then will be a black screen. Throughout this, the credits will be shown in a slow moderate pace in fine writing to show the tranquility of her and the training pace. 



                                                                        Outfit Inspo:

Thursday, February 13, 2025

I'm back blogg!! The next challenge to conquer is our storyboard. Storyboard are meant to help you organize your thoughts and allow you to pass on your ideas to a sheet of paper and image how it would all look together. Not only do they help you organize yourself in the pre planning stages but also during production. With a storyboard your able to shoot knowing what to do and helps you save up time and doesn't leave you with the doubt of forgetting to shoot scenes. Storyboards are done to avoid overwhelming yourself and to decide on specific shots that are relevant to the film. With all of this said, here is me and my groups storyboard:

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Hey bloggg!! Another day another blog, except todays blog will be about our first group meeting. Today in class we were put into groups to speak out our projects and our upcoming plans. I was put into a group with 4 other students. Bella Montarl, Paula Torres, Audrey Pangalangan, and Alexis Lee. The idea was to allow each other to receive feedback and come up with new ideas!

The first one to talk about their project was Bella. Bella went on to explain to us that her genre is classic horror. Overall Bella was one of the ones that most had done and had her ideas clear and well developed. Her film opening is planned to be on a serial killer and will show scenes of her setting up a dinner table and throughout that process of moving items the credits will reveal themselves. She is planning the color scheme to be red, black , and silver. These colors match her genre (horror) and set the dark, gloomy mood for the film. Bella is all cached up on her blogs and has been able to do a lot of research in the past few days. The group suggested for the scenes to be very slow and not jump to the next too quickly to enhance that slow scary feel. 

Next was Audrey, and I have to say Audrey was the one with most done. Audrey is planning to do a psychological horror. However I wasn't catch on to her film idea as if it was confusing and unclear. She didn't seem to be able to express her idea well enough but did make clear she does have one in mind she just isn't sure how to explain which can end up being a problem for future problems such as story board. I did understand it will be on a women who goes insane but that was all. She wants the setting to be in a house or possibly her dads bar. As well as setting she did mention she wants the main character to wear bright colors and is getting inspiration from the Joker. Her color scheme will be bright red and other muted colors such as an army green.

Alexis didn't seem to have much ready and made understood that she was behind with her blogs. She as well is doing a psychological horror but didn't have the story very ready. She mentioned the film involving someone have schizophrenia but overall didn't have much done for her story board. She is also planning to have darker lightning for the scary horror feeling and will match it with dark blue shades as her color scheme. Her setting was imagined to be in a household or bedroom however I recommended for a darker setting which she explained would be done even if it does end up taking place in a house.

Paula was last and was the group member with least done. She has fallen behind on her blogs but mentioned she does have many drafts that are pending to be posted. She isn't very sure what she plans to do for her project and has many questions to be answered which I'm sure she will answer. The group gave her tips on developing her story such as researching something she's genuinely interested on doing and keeping up with her blogs since those do truly help you and your project thrive.

Finally, I explained my idea for the film opening and gave a run down of my blogs. My group had many questions on my research which I cleared up and then explained my color schemes and what techniques I planned to integrate to make it seem like a sports drama from the beginning. My group helped me realize our original idea would me spoiling the plot from the start which then lead me to make a few changes in my story.

Overall, I truly enjoyed having the opportunity to hear other students share their projects and listen to mine as if we were able to give each other feedback and listen to what we each had to say. Alongside, this also helped me improve my project as well as reassure me on my choices.

Monday, February 10, 2025

 Character Theory 

I've been learning about media character theory to make the characters in my sports drama film stronger and more relatable. This theory helps explain how audiences connect with fictional characters, and I'm using it to create a story that feels real and emotional. 

Character theory looks at how people relate to characters in movies, TV, and books. This includes identification, character depth, parasocial and relationships. Identification is when viewers see parts of themselves in a character's personality or struggles. Parasocial relationships are the way people feel emotionally connected to characters, almost like their real friends. Lastly, character depth is how characters feel more real when they have strengths, flaws, and personal growth. 

How I'm Using This in My Film: 

My sports drama follows the story of a gymnast and how her life follows with the pressure of her mom while dealing with conflicts including the opposing team. To make the characters engaging, I'm focusing on creating a relatable main character, strong team relationships, a well developed rival, and emotional highs and lows. To create a relatable main character, they need clear goals and struggles to later overcome their challenges while they should also feel like a real personal not just a movie hero. In my film I will be developing strong team relationships since its a big part in sports how teams' bond and support each other. Making sure the rival shouldn’t feel like a villain if not creating a reason for wanting to win allows the audience to understand them and makes the story more interesting. Lastly, good sport dramas make the audience feel the excitement of victory as well as the pain of failure. This leaves room for stronger connections making the moments even stronger.  

Friday, February 7, 2025

 When filming a sports drama, slow motion shots are very much used due to the importance they have on highlighting important scenes. Slow motion shots are usually used during key moments in the sport such as a game winning shot, or a major play. This stands out the significance of the action and add drama to the scene. However, filming slow motion scenes can look choppy when not done right. After much research, I have found the 3 most helpful ways to have a slow motion look smooth and be correctly used in a film.

1. Lighting

A way to make slow motion look good is by using correct lightning. In cases where lightning is too dark or too bright, slow motion might not appear clear or visible. To avoid this, you can use soft and even light. This bring out the motion clearly without shadows or bright spots. Good lighting allows the details of the action to be highlighted, and slow motion shots appear smoother and more professional. Under proper lightning, the audiences can concentrate on the action without distractions due to poor visibility.

2. Steady Hands

The other way of making slow motion smoother is by keeping the camera stable while recording. When the camera shakes or moves a lot, it can make the slow motions scenes hard to watch. Keeping the camera stable by using a tripod or stabilizer helps to keep the camera still and avoid shakiness. This makes the slow motion scenes clean and clear, so the viewers can enjoy the scene with full attention on the action.

3. Timing

Lastly, slow motion needs to be used for the most important events of the film. Overuse of slow motion makes it lose its effectiveness and can even seem out of place. By choosing special moments, like a winning shot or a knockout punch, slow motion highlights these moments and makes them feel more exciting. Being selective makes the slow motion more effective and keeps the viewer interested.

Overall filming slow motions can be challenging when approaching it blindly since it does have small details that can affect the product as a whole, however, I am confident with my knowledge and research done that I will be able to master my slow motions and will definitely pull my film opening together and bring out that sports drama film I am looking for!

 Bing Videos This is the video I found most useful when researching!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

 When creating any film, the credit sequences are the most important part to the film opening due to it being where the "credit" is given to the workers behind the film. This can include actor, producer, writer, editor, director ect. Although all films include credit sequences, there are many different ways to apply it to your specific film. Factors such as font and speed can add to the films theme or can be done to make sure to not take away from the production being shown. 


The Karate Kid (1984)

In The Karate Kid, the opening credits roll while Daniel and his mother are driving from New Jersey toCalifornia. Rather than presenting the information on the screen alone, the credits are presented during the scene, so the viewer is able to pay attention to Daniel's journey. Doing this helps catch the viewers' attention right away, so it feels like a part of the film. The credits show Daniel feeling uncomfortable and finding it difficult to adjust to his new life. This adds to the theme of change and growth. By including the credits into the action, the movie prepares the audience for Daniel's struggles and personal growth later.

Bing Videos

Hustle (2022)

In Hustle, the opening credits are presented as Stanley, a basketball scout, goes to a game in Spain. The credits run over images of Stanley moving through the crowd and looking at the players, keeping the focus on the action. The quick cuts of the game introduce the tone for the film and show the high energy sport of basketball. By blending the credits with the action, the film smoothy introduces its sport story without distracting from the excitement. This technique represents the film's themes of discovering talent and the challenges of the basketball world.

Raging Bull (1980)
Raging Bull begins with simple credits in white writing on black-and-white footage of Jake LaMotta warming up in the boxing ring. The credits are simple and blend with the rough feeling of the film. But what people tend to focus on is LaMotta'movements and facial expressions in the ring. Close-ups show his physical and mental tensionwhich sets the tone for the film. The simple credits allow the powerful shots to stand out so that the viewer can follow the story of a troubled, concentrated boxer. 

 CCR #4 Hey Cambridgeee, its the last post for week 7 and were finishing it up with the last CCR question. "How did your production ski...